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Number of posts : 2522
Registration date : 2007-02-04

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PostSubject: Kittens   Kittens Orange2137th October 2013, 7:48 am

We have had a couple of kittens brought into the shop today, they are beautiful, about 16 weeks old. But wait for it, the owner didn't want them (although they came to us in a fabulous condition) he tried to give them to various cat sanctuaries but to no avail and in fact one rescue centre told him to put them in a box and go and dump them somewhere.
What? they are having a laugh surely.
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Number of posts : 299
Age : 59
Localisation : heanor,nr derby
Registration date : 2010-09-18

Kittens Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kittens   Kittens Orange2138th October 2013, 7:33 am

that's just disgraceful bob. were they from his cat? i cant believe he was told to do that Sad 

years ago i worked in a pet shop and a couple came in with baby gerbils and asked if we would take them, unfortunately my boss said no so off they went. later that day a bin man came in saying he had found the gerbils, they had been dumped right by the bins, so in the end we did take them, but why do people do this? they let their animals have babies again and again, and then dot want the responsibility of them Crying or Very sad 
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